万店掌 开放平台 Op retail open platform

Traceability API   

Production / service process recording and tracing to make the process digital, transparent and refined. Cash Loss Prevention | Product Tracking | Food Traceability

API listVersionDescription
open.ovopark.storehouse.getSkuTypev1Get sku type
open.ovopark.pos.reportSalesv1Reported sales (by day)
open.ovopark.pos.sendOrderv2Order data reporting (supports agent authority)
open.ovopark.storehouse.sendOrderv2Warehouse order reporting (supports agent authority)
open.ovopark.pos.reportSalesHourlyv1Reported sales (by hour)
open.ovopark.pos.getMachineIdsListv1Get traced device association list
open.ovopark.pos.syncMachineIdv1Synchronized Cashier Number